Author: ola.tim

Gourmet paradise

Gourmet paradise

As “Pearl of the Adriatic”, Opatija is also known by its cuisine: Numerous top-quality restaurants and taverns can be found here. But should you wish to enjoy your gourmet meal in the privacy of your apartment, a spacious kitchen with top-quality appliances and utensils is at your disposal for preparing the specialties of your choice.

Instant refreshment

Instant refreshment

For complete comfort, each bedroom has its private bathroom with a walk-in shower and high-quality Croatian natural cosmetic products. Enjoy your own private wellness oasis and, wrapped in a soft robe, relax and feel your body revitalizing.

Quiet idyll

Quiet idyll

Eventful days require a good night’s sleep… something the bedroom on the other end of the apartment can provide. It faces the interior and – together with a comfortable king-size bed, dim light, the whisper of a light breeze and fragrance of flowers – offers a perfect setting for quiet relaxation and rest.

The perfect awakening

The perfect awakening

Opening your eyes in a large, cozy bed and watching sunlit ships gliding lazily across the sea sounds like a perfect beginning of your day. Waking up like this is often a truly inspiring experience. This is why the master bedroom has a separate area with a set of chairs, a coffee table and a desk.

Private library

Private library

You know you had a great vacation if you had time to read a good book. Feel free to pick any of the selected books from our small private library available to our guests. When leaving, you can take a book with you or leave one of yours if you like.

A view to remember

A view to remember

The set of seating furniture facing the French windows commanding an undisturbed view of the sunbeam-reflecting sea is an ideal place for recuperation and mental awakening. A glass on the table, a book in your hands or good company for a pleasant conversation – it will add to the experience you will not forget soon.

gurmanski raj

gurmanski raj

Opatija je kao „biser Jadrana“ poznata i u kulinarskom smislu jer tu su smješteni brojni vrhunski restorani i konobe. No zaželite li kao gastronomi uživati u privatnosti svog apartmana, tu je prostrana kuhinja vrhunski opremljena za pripremanje raznovrsnih gastronomskih delicija.



Za potpun komfor, svaka je spavaća soba spojena s privatnom kupaonicom, s prostranim walk-in tušem i visokokvalitetnom hrvatskom prirodnom kozmetikom. Uživajte u vlastitoj wellness-oazi pa se, umotani u u mekan ogrtač, opustite i osluškujte svoje tijelo kako se revitalizira.



Ispunjeni dani traže dobar san, a upravo se takav dugo može sanjati u spavaćoj sobi u drugom dijelu apartmana, orijentiranoj prema unutrašnjosti. Udoban king size krevet, prigušeno svjetlo, šum blagog povjetarca i miris cvijeća kreatori su savršenog ugođaja za miran i opušten odmor.



Otvoriti oči u udobnome, prostranom krevetu i ugledati suncem obasjane brodove kako lijeno klize morem savršen je početak dana. Ovakvo buđenje nerijetko je i pravo inspirativno iskustvo pa se u glavnoj spavaćoj sobi nalaze i zaseban dio za sjedenje s niskim stolićem te radni stol.

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